Saturday, February 24, 2018


Alex made us Dinner

So nothing too eventful happened this week. I had to stay at the mission home until Wednesday morning. It was interesting. It is kind of like a fake house in there. Everything is so perfect and organized. But it was nice, I just slept and took a bath and had a really uncomfortable dinner with my mission President and wife (just kidding). They were really kind to let me stay and get better. 

Winter came again. But I woke up on Wednesday (the snow was coming down hard) and a realization came to me- It doesn't matter what is going on, I can still be happy! I know that is such a cliche phrase/ thought but it just connected with me and it is so freeing! I mean I still have to remind myself of that fact on the hourly as we are freezing our faces off sliding down the South hill roads that never get paved so it is just sheer ice everywhere but we can still be happy! 

Everyone was happy to see us back at church since Carol told everyone that I was in the hospital getting IVs haha oh Carol. 

Alex is getting baptized this week which is exciting! He is so repentant. 

On Thursday we had zone conference. I had to give a couple trainings, which was interesting since I was super sick but couldn't be. 

Thursday night was a humbling night. I was in a lot of pain and giving it my all but my all was so small and insignificant. I just started crying during my nighttime prayer because my 100% isn't what it used to be when I first came out. I have literally given it my all for the last 17 months and now I am feeling it. But I felt a overwhelming feeling of love from God. It reminded me of the story of the loaves and fishes. Some days we have a full loaf to give and other times it may only be a crumb but whatever it is, God gives us thanks and makes it into something more. 
Other mission things: knocking doors, walking miles, volunteering at the food bank and so much more. 

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