Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Post Falls January

Christmas Eve at the Cox Family. Sad they are moving next week. 

Christmas Eve, we went to the church and had popcorn and hot chocolate after we went caroling.  We also watch Legacy.

Dee and Lee on Christmas Day

Sister Ireland and I just walking down the street.

 me in the snow by our apartment

my zone, which is the best! Coeur d'Alene zone is the best! sad for transfers!

Nicole's Letter:
" Another Email. Another Week. Repeat."

Whenever I sit down everything goes out of my brain.  This week was so long, not in a bad way but just can't even remember last monday.  Transfers are next week so that is a bit sad since most likely, like 99%, Sister Ireland will be transferred.  We have had some good times together and have seen the work in Post Falls increase.  There is so much potential here, I am just terrified that when she leaves and I am left in charge everything will stop.  Everyone loves her so that should be interesting, wish me luck.  But who knows I could get transferred, it is not likely but you never know!

Some highlights this week:
We were over at the Walshons, a part member family.  The kids, Zak and Allisen are 13 and 9.  And Allisen is pretty hyper and funny.  This time the mom was talking about her husband being addicted to smoking and then Allisen interjects and says "Addiction is like when you are at a party and they have chips and you can't stop eating the chips.  But then you get a TUMMY CRAMP and you STILL keep eating" okay so it was a lot funnier in person than what I just wrote but it made me laugh, but it doesn't take a lot to make me laugh out here :)

Bri came to church! Her boyfriend just got put back into jail in Sandpoint and she knows that if they had God and church in their lives that wouldn't have happened.  She is so cute and open to everything.  She also wants missionaries to go visit Chris in jail so we let the Sandpoint elders know and they are planning on going this week so that should be good.

Then we had dinner with this new lady in our ward who is kind of out there so we did not know what to expect.  BUT then her roommate joined us for dinner and was super interested.  She also has had a rough life and trying to get it back together.  It was a good lesson.  During it she asked why there are so many different churches. Perfect Question!! Every missionary's dream to seaway into Joseph Smith. So we are going back tonight and teaching her again so that should be good!

Then we got a referral to go see a less active.  He referred himself and it was pretty amazing lesson about repentance and faith.  He knows that the gospel provides him something in life that nothing else can.  He knows that he needs it in his life.  It was just a testament to me that there is nothing greater in this life than the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It reminds me of Peter saying "Lord where would we go" If you ever do start questioning, ask yourself "Where would I go" and it makes you realize that we do have the FULLNESS of the gospel.  It is so amazing the knowledge that we do have.  That the gospel was restored by Joseph Smith and that we don't have to live in darkness, we can have hope! Go watch The Hope of God's Light! It is so good!

Then on Sunday it was snowing big time, well it has been pouring snow (is that what you call it?!) But it was getting late, I really wanted to try Aly (we meet her on her porch before christmas and she said that we could come back so we have been trying her ever since). And walking up to her door, I knew that she would be home and open to us.  And she WAS home and let us in and we taught her the restoration.  She is open to learning more. She is such a cute young mom.  She is married to her highschool sweetheart and they have a little girl and a puppy named Kevin.  She has known a lot of mormons and says they have all been really great people and she just wants what is best for her.  So hopefully we can meet with her after she gets back into town.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is so amazing and can really change lives.  It can bring lightness into darkness, hope into despair and it can fill emptiness.  Jesus Christ really did atone for us and descend below all things alone so that we would never have to walk alone in life. 

love to all!!

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