Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Week

 our christmas tree branch the elders gave us
thanks for the sign

 ​went to couer d'alene resort last pday and got icecream

couer d'alene is in our zone just like 15 minutes away

​sister ireland's sister got married on Tuesday, so we made cookies and popcorn and watched the testaments after planning to mourn...this was the result of us trying to look really sad

my grandma in the green and her trainee 

​at the mission home, check the mission facebook page to see some more!

 my district
 couer d'alene


Nicole's Letter: "Dead Deer"
November 28, 2016

This week the days were fast and the week was slow which was crazy because usually the days feel like years and the weeks feel like days.  The days went fast because on Wednesday we got to go to the Mission Home for a Trainer/Trainee meeting.  It was super fun! The Elder's let us borrow the car which was super nice of them and it was good to drive to Spokane since last time we were with a member and it was my first day so I was freaking out but this time I could enjoy it.  It is only like a 30 minute drive but it was still nice!  And the meeting was super good! I got to see all the sisters from the MTC which was fun.  

Sister Mathias was like yah I haven't walked at all since being here, I wish we walked more.  I was so mad I was like oh yah let's switch and see how you like walking like 10 miles a day ha.  But it is always so nice being around other missionaries and being around Sister and President Dymock.  They are the best! I love Sister Dymock, she is so funny and nice.  The training was from 9-3 and then after we had a lesson with Terry who is a less active part member family but she totally forgot but I was like whatever we didn't speed walk for 30 minutes or ride our bike so we can just go visit some other people and then go home... what a car can do for your mood:) but then we had to give the car back after that.  I think it is a blessing that we don't have a car because I will definitely not complain as much or at all when I do have a car! I mean missionaries that have a car just don't even know how lucky they are.  But we get to talk to more people that aren't interested walking so that is a plus:)

Then, Thursday was Thanksgiving! How was everyone's thanksgiving?!
We went over to the Zanes, a members home who live super far away and we left late from our apartment so we had to speed walk and then the turkey wasn't even done but they are super nice to us! I love them! A lot of other families from the ward were there too.  I was awkward but what do you expect.  But overall it was good! I mean at least we got invited! 

Then we had Weekly Planning for three hours.  Then we just sat around in our apartment and the Elder's gave us a branch for a christmas tree.  Then at night the Elder's in our district and us went to DENNYS! we got icecream which was super fun! So that a fun way to end Thanksgiving.  Then we had exchanges which I'm not to sure how I feel about them...They told us on Thursday that I would be taking over the area for the day so I was freaking out and also to make things worst we had literally NOTHING planned, no lessons, nothing so I truly had to fake it til you make it.  But it was Sister Young who came to my area which was super good.  She is a convert and super friendly, happy and bold.  So basically she took control if I didn't know what to do.  Friday morning we had our last district meeting before transfers.  Probably all of them will still except one elder will probably get transferred so it was bitter sweet.  Then we went to Lee and Dee's (the older couple, nonmember, that we did service for the other week).  They invited us over for Thanksgiving dinner on Friday, so we went there and it was fun.  Then exchanges happened.  

That night it was raining of course and dark but we saw a ton of people in their garage and driveway so we walked up to them and gave them the Christmas card with the video link but before we got there they started laughing.  They were like you might not want to come back here we got a deer.  Sister Young who is from texas was like oh sweet, my family are hunters while I was like no no don't go.  But I just walked up and then I saw it.  Oh man I almost puked.  So nasty...the stomach was slit open.  Gross.  I was like Bambi's mom.  And then they started skinning the legs and you could hear the tear.  And then they go to the bone to tie the rope around and then they hung it up and blood was all over.  it was so gross. I am in huntin territory that is for sure.  I was trying so hard not to pass out.  But i made it. Then the next day we went to a member's home and they were cutting up there deer.  So many dead deer around here.  Let's just say i will never marry i hunter, my stomach can't handle it haha.

Then on Saturday we went to Lee and Dee's again and they feed us left overs and then she was like "what are you and Sister Ireland doing on Christmas?" I was like I dont know what are you doing?  Then she responded "We are having you two over for Christmas dinner"  We are like their family.  But they are super closed off to anything else.  Then we went to Sister Crabtree's home and she played the accordion for us and then let us play which was super fun! I love sister Crabtree she is the best!  Her husband is playing Santa in Washington so he is gone for 7 weeks!  Then the elders made us gluten free cookies which was super nice! They were good too!

On sunday we sang in church. yep, just me and sister ireland.  good thing Sister Ireland is a good singer.  I think it was pretty risky for them to ask us but it wasn't too bad, done more embarrasing/ awkward/ uncomfortable things on so far.  Who would of thought that me singing a solo in church would be a walk in the park.
Also, a part member family showed up!! We have been texting the daughter who wants to be baptized but we have never been able to meet with them and then they just showed up! We are having a lesson with the whole family tonight, i am freaking out, hopefully it goes well. 

Okay my emails are probably going to get shorter since this is the last week Sister Ireland is doing her BYUH application...
Love to all
Sis Steve

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