Monday, November 7, 2016

"Why you gotta hate."

hands orange from raking leaves 
 us at the river going to a referral that was def not interested and wasn't even in our area but her loss so whatever

same day as last week mexican food
on Saturday, which was a rough day a starburst literally fell from the sky so it was picture worthy moment. and then that same day we found a ten dollar bill on the ground too
there will be blessings one day right?

proof that i am still alive even after being on a bike even if i might have flashed everyone trying to get on and off.  Also, we were biking to the church which is super far away and we were trying to make a light and curbs are stupid and i didn't quite might the turn but didn't fall so i'd say its a success, i mean right.

Nicole's Letter:
Nov. 7, 2016

Another week down. Emailing is so hard.
The weather was GLORIOUS this week :) only rained once i think.  And then like two days were really sunny and warm.  It is weird how weather can change your mood so much.  So last week we had a lesson with Amanda and her husband and two young kids.  We met Amanda one day because he kids waved to us from their window and then we were like lets go up there.  The kids got all big eyed and were like what have we done.  But then we talked to the mom and she said we could come back.  So we went back and were talking and the member that came with us was talking about this sunday the stake was doing primary and she was asked amanda what she knew that was and she looked at her husband and asked what a stake was.  Tyson, the husband said stakes are collection of wards.  We were shocked and were like how do you know that.  Then Amanda told us that Tyson has been a member his whole life and grew up Mormon.  Plot twist.  We were so caught off guard and then he told us that he little sister just got back from a mission and that blew our minds even more.  So to so our lesson was a flop would be an understatement haha.  but we have a lesson with them tonight that hopefully will go better.  Any ideas on fun kids FHE/lessons.  We want to get the kids more involved but they are only like 5 and 2 so its a bit hard.  Then Lane, who is another investigator is getting baptized on the 26th.  We had the word of wisdom with him and i was super nervous because he has a problem smoking, but so many people here do, and also coffee and everything.  When we talked about the word of wisdom and told him the five things he was like "dang those are my five favorite things" but he is doing better at it.  We had the lesson at the Crabtree's and Brother Crabtree had a smoking problem and he talked about it and then gave a powerful blessing to Lane.  It was good.  Also, Lane and the Crabtrees all have lived in California at one point and they were like "yah we escape california 17 years ago" and Lane said "I escaped about 20 years ago"  I was just sitting there and was like yah i only escape a month ago.... it was funny everyone here thinks California is awful.  But we had so many lessons one day which was good but then on saturday well lets just say everyone was hatin on us or just plain ignoring us.  So many people are so rude at the door.  One person yelled at us and was like if youre JWs never come back! and we were like we're aren't and she still just closed the door.  And then I just want to hug anyone that is nice to us.  And when I say nice I mean that doesn't just close the door and say some rude comment.  They don't even have to be slightly interested, nice people are just the best and they for sure are going to be blessed.  I mean I get it knocking on people's door is annoying and I know people hate it so we try to do that as a last resort.  But doesn't matter what people think one day it will all work out.  My email doesn't really make sense so sorry.  My district is going miniature golfing today...yep thats what we do instead of visiting hiroshima or ancient mayan ruins we have good ole walmart and mini golfing.  It should be fun though.  My companion is applying to BYU Hawaii right now...making me jealous.  If anything post falls was for her.  She didn't know what she was going to do after her mission and then i talked about hawaii and she was like i want to go there so twins you might see her this fall:)  Also, we think we have found the secret to our ward!!! So the ward hasn't been that excited about missionary work or having sisters (i mean i know elders are better than sisters but come on;) But on sunday we had two people at church and all the members were so nice and welcoming.  They were nice to Lane and Bert(who is another really interested guy but we found out that he doesn't live in our area, which has happened more than once with our investigators... darn it) but the members were asking us if we had dinner and then one member was even like hey sisters if you ever need anyone at your lessons just call me. WHAT! that might sound like its not a big deal but in this ward it is.  I have only had three dinner meals since being here but last night we had another dinner appt and guess what we had!!!!!!! THAI FOOD.  He made homemade red curry and it was the best thing ever.  As you can assume it made me so happy.  And he said that here is a really good thai food place in couer d Alene so one pday we might go there.  but this ward is going to love us eventually.  when im through with them :))) i really do feel like this area can change i know that you are probably thinking oh yah she is still such a greenie but this is the Lord's work and if this area is ready the work will progress and if it's not ready then I will have no regrets leaving this place.  Also, i will probably be here all winter so that should be fun no car.  
Love you lots
I know that I am on the Lord's work and that anything is possible through him.  I know that he has prepared people in Post Falls and if it be his will we will find them.  This is his work and I am just an instrument.  It is a privilege to be a missionary even on the pouring rain, doors slammed days.  A mission only comes once and it will be over one day.  I want to look back and know that I gave it my all.  I am trying to discern the spirit and have the courage to follow it.  He knows us perfectly.  I am so grateful to know that I have an eternity with all of you.  God loves you and he is definitely real.  I pray that one day I will know exactly why I was called to the Spokane, Washington mission but for now just working my hardest taking one day at a time.   

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