Sunday, May 14, 2017

"Every Road. . . "

Nicole's Letter
"Every Road..."
May 9, 2017

This week was super good! Okay the end of the week especially! We got to drive up to Spokane the night before Elder Holland (so Friday night) with the Clarkston sisters.  We stayed at some members home in the mission president's ward which was super fun!  I was sleeping on a cot but it was the best cot I have ever slept on.  Then Saturday we got to go to the mission wide meeting and it was amazing!!  One Elder Holland and Two MISSIONARIES!! I am deprived from seeing other missionaries! It was fun seeing other missionaries that I haven't seen in a while! We got to shake Elder Holland's hand and Bishop Caussee and Elder Ahern from the seventy.  All their talks were amazing.  
Some highlights:
"Every road to salvation has to go through Gethsemane" 
"It wasn't easy for him so why should it be easy for us"
Those were my two favorite quotes
Some other things that were mentioned that day was that we have 2 years/18 months to serve and a lifetime to think about it...which was kind of scary to think about. 
Had some really neat experiences this week with learning how to love.  How we are commanded to love everyone around us and how I need to do a better job at that.  Seeing people not how they are but who they can become.  God definitely is teaching me lessons each and every day.
One day we were walking around and it was kind of raining.  It was definitely an "ASK DAY"  (you know truck days, well I have ask days)  Where you just have to ask "Why?"  "Is this really worth it"  "Is this true"  Yah, I'll be totally honest I have those days but I never just let my questions simmer.  I go to the source who knows all, God.  And so I always turn my questions to him.  Usually the answers are the same, maybe the come slower than other days but they always come.  "You know the answer, you have felt the spirit.  You know this will all be worth it in the end"  But anyways we started talking to this lady on her porch and good thing she was a little crazy because my approach to start talking was super awkward but whatever.  Sometimes I crack myself up with how awkward I am but at least I open my mouth :) She invited us to sit down and she hates like really hates Mormons so that was fun but she really loved us.  It is funny to see people go through that dilemma of loving us so much but then hating the church.  She would go back and forth from complementing us but than hard core bashing on a principle or doctrine. 
Anyways, Remember what you do know and then go from there.  That is all he asks of us.   

calling Sunday at 4pm (grangeville time so California time)
Coming back from Elder Holland
Last P-day in the floral shop
waiting for the Elders on Friday to go to dinner before driving up to Spokane

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