Thursday, July 20, 2017

For The Lord

Nicole's Letter:
July 18, 2017

Things are picking up!  

Some highlights:

Tiff took Sister Madsen and I to dinner and we had Thai food! It was the most glorious thing in the entire world! I haven't had any since my last night before going into the MTC. 

We found 2 new people to teach!! Greatest thing ever! One of them rode the bus 30 minutes for a church tour and he was so interested and sincerely looking.  And the other guy is named Robert and he is super nice and sincere as well.  Well the first guy lives in Cheney so we had to pass him off to the Elders (hey but we made some elders day!) and Robert is YSA age so we will probably have to pass him off too.  Even though we have to pass them off I am still happy because I have realized something (or it has finally clicked, actually it clicks multiples times but then I forget and then it happens again)  But this is not about me.  I know you would think I would have learned it by now since my personal slogan was "Cobb, it's not about you".  But I am not finding, teaching or baptizing for me.  I am doing this for Heavenly Father.  He is so happy that we are finding his children that need a message of hope regardless of what ward they will go to.  And I know that eventually we will find some for the Moran Prairie Ward. 

On Sunday we were greeting people at the door and Sister Madsen and I were taking bets on who would come to church.  And then I looked over and my mouth just dropped and was like "What!"  Robert came to church!! He came in just in his T-shirt and shorts holding his little Bible.  He is a 25 year old that stood us up earlier in the week and then we went by and we were like "Do you have 10 minutes right now?"  He did so we taught him the Restoration and then he came to church!  After sacrament meeting he told us that everything pretty much went over his head (the temple president spoke) but he liked it and he stayed for the 2nd hour.  (Which we were teaching and we found out the normal teacher was sick and that we would be the subs right before sacrament meeting so that was pretty fun.... We just taught the  Plan of Salvation)  Good thing one of the members had pity for us because in Gospel Principles it was just us and Robert and another really cute down syndrome guy.  So Brother Anderson was just dropping something off in the classroom for the next hour but then he just sat down so that was super nice of him and it saved us!  Sorry I really need to be better at writing stories but guess I just write them how I tell them which is very long and confusing haha

But Robert ended up staying all three hours.  Each hour he looked more and more confused but each hour he looked happier and happier.  

My body is so tired each and everyday but wouldn't want to be doing anything else.  This is the greatest, hardest and strangest thing ever.

This week was just so good.  There are so many little things that happened that were so fun and funny. Just know that we are hardworking idiots over here in Spokane :) at least that is what Sister Madsen and I joke about.  We work so hard but we probably seem like idiots to some people :)  We just laughed so much this week but hey sometimes you just got to laugh to get through something!

sister madsen and I getting turned into mermaids by some little kids at this apartment complex
And we are all moving next week so we will have a different address but you can send anything to the mission office!

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