Thursday, July 20, 2017

Spokane Week One

Nicole's Letter: "Spokane Week One"
July 11, 2017

I am officially not in Idaho anymore and not in the country.  Spokane is definitely different than Grangeville.  

Everyone looks at me super weirdly when I say "Well, we will see you around"  In Grangeville that was definitely a true statement but no so anymore.  Lots more people and lots more yelling and cat calling. My companion is Sister Madsen and she is awesome!!!  She reminds me of Paige Carver just super funny and witty.  So the area that I am in is dead.  Apparently, President was saying that he put a powerhouse in Moran Prairie to see if things could change, like last chance sort of thing.  Don't really know why President keeps putting me in these kinds of areas but oh well we have so much fun together!  And we both love working hard which is the best!  We always get home at the end of the day with a new blister and sun burns and feeling like our bodies are going to fall apart but it is the best feeling ever!  I love this work! 

Monday: Border Days! Grangeville was so busy with so many people for the 4th of July and then I said goodbye to Grangeville.  It actually was pretty sad.  I miss the farm lands and Idaho! We went to Lewiston and stayed with the Clarkston sisters and just worked in their area and had zone p-day which was fun.

Tuesday:  Crashed another wards 4th of July breakfast which was pretty fun, I always love picking the right table to sit at.  Then went on the "transfer van" and traveled up to Spokane.  The ride was fun, got to sit with Sister Mitchell (my MTC comp).  Then moved into my new place.  It is a very very small apartment and there are 5 sisters that live with us.  So we are all getting pretty cozy with each other but on the bright side the toilet works! (Apparently it didn't work last transfer and they always had to go to the church and use one).  Did some service and some studies too.  It was quite the 4th of July.

Wednesday:  Sister Madsen had a meeting so I went to the other sisters area and went on exchanges.  It was good, set up 2 appointments! 

Thursday: We went to do service in the Elders area and were just pulling a ton of weeds but we forgot gloves so it was a bit painful but worth it

Friday: District meeting, invited a ton of people to the music fireside that Claire Crosby was singing at.

Saturday: Same great thing! Walking and talking to a ton of people.  Oh and we went to the old folks home which was pretty funny.  

And then Sunday the POWELLS CAME WHAT! 

So we were greeting people and Sister Madsen was telling me who everyone was and she saw Tiff and Dianna walk in and she was like "I have no clue who those people are"  And I was like "But I do!"  I was in complete shock! It was kind of surreal! 

Then the music devotional in the Valley.  The YouTube star Claire Ryan Crosby came and sang with us.  So the clip that Tiff sent wasn't a ward choir but it was a three stake thing.  There were a ton of people that came! It was really amazing and then some recent converts spoke and their testimonies were really cool.    

sister madsen
and i hit my 9 month mark so the sisters confettied me

Claire and the sisters in my apartment
our apartment 
some more sisters with claire

Transfer Van

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