Monday, July 24, 2017

Weekly Email: July 24

WE might be those annoying sisters but we matched for zone conference haha  President had the APs stand up and he pointed to their ties (him and the APs were matching) and then he turned to us and had us stand up and just said "Unified".  It is just part of our ploy to get him to let us stay together another transfer.  Sister Madsen's mom sent us skirts but don't worry we didn't actually go out proselyting in complete matching outfits  

My favorites!!! Sister Packer and Sister Madsen :) We have all been each others companions

We had a stake pioneer activity.  It was fun.  One of our investigators came but we have to pass him off to YSA (starting again from ground zero yeeee).  At the activity we got this game going strong, it is 4 square but in the air.

our old apartment
lots of pets
and we had super dirty water and we were a little dehydration so we bought some water and Gatorade.  Then Sister Madsen was super sick one day and the Elders gave her a blessing and bought us more Gatorade. Then we ran out of water and so we went over to the Elders since they have a filter pitcher and they were so kind to refill all of the water for us.  They even got us chairs for us to sit outside of their apartment and watch them fill all the waters up.  They are the best.
us last pday we went to the rose gardens but were pretty tired and poisoned from our water :)
our old apartment, we have 5 sisters and beds against the walls

If you have ever seen hunger games....that was our week
I think the only thing that didn't yell at us this week ha
sending in our model shots soon

carrying our water for about 2 miles down the busiest street in our area

everyone that i live with :)
sister packer

This week I just sent a bunch of photos.  Hopefully you get the idea of our week.  
It was a good one full of up and downs and lots of laughs and tears :)

One funny thing is that Sam Adams from ESPN is a recent convert in our ward and he was asking about this one family that we are trying to teach and he is assigned to home teach.  We let him know they were out of town and he was like "Thanks for telling me, they were the farthest in our route and we are biking today"  He wanted to dress up in short sleeves white shirts and ties and bike around and be like the missionaries.  So funny! So him and his HT companion biked around trying to home teach all of their people.  Maybe it was funnier to me but he is such an amazing member and person!

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