Thursday, January 18, 2018

January 2018

Hello!! We had lots of exchanges this past week which is always fun.  Sister Lilley came to Manito and we talked a lot about missions since we are a transfer off. Talked about the craziness of Spokane. It sometimes is a weird place but good at the same time! I love the people that I have met. 

Some highlights:

Had a lesson with Travis that we have been teaching since I have been here and this week we committed him to pray  when he should be baptized and he said he would. Then a couple days later he said that February 8th cant get out of his mind. So he is preparing for that day! It is exciting! Hopefully he can beat some old habits before that! 

It snowed a ton on Thursday and God is real! We had zone conference that day so we weren't out in the snow storm. And also we had it at our church building instead of in the valley so we didn't even have to drive that far! I think God knows that I can't drive in snow! It was such a tender mercy! Zone conference was good, it was all about technology. We have to update for 2 to 3 hours a day for a month. It is kind of insane. 

Something that I learned this week.

Life is a give and take. When you are willing to give a little people are much more willing to change.

We sang in stake conference and I was singing alto with 2 other people and literally none of us were singing the same note so it was interesting. People just said that the spirit was really strong, nothing about the talent haha. 
Today was probably the best pday ever. Sister Blake took us to Costco and then we had lunch at her house and she made us super good soup. Then we went snow shoeing on a trail by her house. It was so fun. I felt like a real person today! I love this ward and the people that we are teaching. Lilly is getting baptized February 3rd! She is the cutest! I love the Wight family! I have seen them go through some ups and downs.  But the gospel does bless families. Sometimes we just have to go into the dark to realize the light that we do have. 

We are having dinner with the Blakes and their friend this Friday. And he has been going to seminary every day this week. Sister Blake says that he comes to their house at 545 every morning with a big smile on his face. He is so fun and nice and loves the gospel! 

Sister John is awesome and chill.

Stake conference was super good. The theme was more holiness give me. I loved one speaker that talked about prayer.  They said that most times answers to prayers don't usually come when we are on our knees they come after and that is why it is important to find time to be still. And I know that is true in most cases, most times I don't feel that much when I pray but it comes after, comes in little pieces here and there. In the video Hope of gods light it says "Rarely does lightness come to those that sit in darkness". 

Hope all is well!! Love to all!

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