Tuesday, March 13, 2018

a good one

Nicole's Letter: "a good one"
Feb. 27th, 2018 

ALEX got baptized!!! It was a good day!! He is such an amazing guy and I am so glad that I get to know him.  We missionaries are just fortunate to be a tiny little part of people's lives and I am so grateful for it.  Alex got to this point on his own (well and with God's help) and that makes his testimony even stronger.  After his baptism he got up and bore his testimony and said that it has been a long journey for him (which it definitely has) and that he is just so happy that he is here at this point and that he got here.  He is going to do great things that is for sure.  I definitely have a testimony of how the gift of the Holy Ghost definitely changes people's countenance.  I have seen that after people are confirmed and are sanctified by the Holy Ghost they are so pure and you can see the light that is in their eyes. It is amazing to see.
I also got to go to the temple this week!! We found out that Sister Norman's (my old companion) zone was going and so we texted President and asked if I could go with them since I was dying when my zone went and he said yes!! It was such an amazing experience.  I seriously love that place! To be honest at first I did not have a personal testimony of the temple.  I knew in my head that it was a good place but since being on my mission I have felt for myself that it is not just a good place but the house of the Lord and I love being there!!! And we had a little trio for the day with Sister Lilley.  Dinner appointments with trios are probably my favorite.  It is always super fun! This time it was with an older lady in the ward.  Needless to say we had some pretty good laughs.  And she said that before I leave this area she is going to make her meatloaf again! I love this ward!!! 

We got to go play racket ball today since Sister John loved playing it before her mission and she has been sort of down lately so our district leader and Sister Lilley set it all up as a surprise for her. It was so fun! Even though every time that I do something athletic I am always so shocked by the lack of coordination I have, it really blows me away. 

Church was awesome yesterday! 5 people came!!!! It was so cool! People that haven't come in years finally showed up!  One cool thing was that Alex asked someone from the Sullivan ward, in the valley, to speak at his baptism, Brother Carothers. He also came to his confirmation on Sunday. Brother Carothers' son and his wife, (who we have been teaching) haven't been to church for years came this Sunday. They didn't even know that Brother Carothers dad would be there or that it was Alex's confirmation.  It was so cool to see how the first Sunday back was the Sunday his dad came to our ward and Alex has been long time friends with the whole Carothers family. They will be good support for each other.  God is in the details of our lives.

We helped someone move on Saturday and everyone is always so shocked by how much we can do in a dress.  But I love doing service.  It makes me happy :)

I love my mission.  Yes, there have definitely been hard days, hard weeks and moments but all I have to say is what Elder Wirthlin's mother said "Come What May and Love it".

And I am lovin it!
love you all!
Sis steve

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